Wednesday, March 13, 2024

10 Artists to Celebrate Women's History Month (VIDEO)

Hey! It's Women's History Month. And who better to chime in with a list of "10 Artists to Celebrate Women's History Month" than a 53 year old white guy! Sarcasm aside, these are just 10 of the many artists from which I could have chosen. I've been celebrating women in music my entire life. Pretty much.

I have chosen a few from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s - solo artists and bands - and all of them have played an important role in my musical evolution.

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Rock of Aging Ep. 3: Unsung 80s "Hair Metal" Greats (VIDEO)

This month's video is the third episode of the "Rock of Aging" series. In this series, my co-host Erika and I will be explorin...