Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Rock & Roll Book Club Ep. 4 - The Woman In Me by Britney Spears (VIDEO)

Hello, folks, and welcome to the new video. This is the fourth episode in a new series called, "Rock 'n' Roll Book Club," where my co-hosts and I will be discussing books with either a rock 'n roll theme or ones written by rock stars (past and present). This month, we are discussing the brand new memoir by Britney Spears called 'The Woman In Me.' 

SPOILER ALERT! Because this is a "book club" type video, it is assumed that everyone has already read the book, so all aspects of the story are discussed -- including the ending. If you intend to read the book, I'd suggest putting this video into your "watch later" list, and return after you've finished. If you have read it, I hope you will enjoy this discussion and leave a comment with your thoughts and opinions on the book.

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Rock of Aging Ep. 3: Unsung 80s "Hair Metal" Greats (VIDEO)

This month's video is the third episode of the "Rock of Aging" series. In this series, my co-host Erika and I will be explorin...