Monday, August 25, 2014

The Dark Stuff Podcast 115: David Rosenheim

For episode #115, I interview Dave Rosenhiem, who is currently the singer for Bay Area indie band Winchester Revival. We discuss the new band and its new record, Eyes in the Canopy

Dave and I share some history, and we take a trip back to the 1990s to discuss his old band, Hugh. He and I met in the early 90s when I started an independent record label called Mafia Money Records. Hugh was the first signing, and together we released three CDs and two 7" singles. 

At the tail end of the 90s, Rosenheim transitioned from being an artist to creating an online music magazine and later to a website called Recently, he left the business world to lead an environmental non-profit called The Climate Registry

Winchester Revival's music can be found on their bandcamp page:

This episode features the following music: Winchester Revival - "Chemical Yellow"; Winchester Revival - "Submarine Bell" (portion); Hugh - "Seeds"; Hugh - "Grapeviner"; Hugh - "Albuquerque". 

Underneath my voice during the intro and outro is "Ashtrayland" by Hugh

All songs ©the artist who performed them. 

Thanks for listening. Enjoy. 

©2014 The Dark Stuff Podcast

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