Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Record Collecting Makes a Comeback!!

The newest addition to my music room (aka the basement)
Over the last few months, my bug for record collecting has returned. Technically, it never really left. But, about a decade or so ago, I was really broke and sold a large portion of my collection to raise money. Since that time, I pretty much stopping buying vinyl.

Once I started doing my radio show, I started getting loads of promotional CDs. I barely needed to buy anything. In fact, I'd say that about 95% of the growth in my collection has been from free music sent to me for the radio. A few months ago, I finally gave up on getting my old turntable fixed. It was a classic, but when the motor died, I knew it would be more expensive to fix it than to replace it. A buddy of mine who fixes up old turntables and re-sells them, sold me a Sony table he had. I added a Shure cartridge, and have been using it ever since. In fact, it seems to have re-ignited my love for vinyl.

Over the last few months, I have added enough to my record collection that I needed to invest another storage option. I bought the above piece from Ikea. It's not sold as "record storage" - they sell it as shelving - but that's what it is perfect for. Now I have to fill it!!

Most of the stuff I have been getting is used. I hit up Half Price Books once or twice a week. I also try and stop by some other used record shops when I can. As far as brand new stuff goes, I usually only get it direct from artists at their concerts. There are exceptions. I recently grabbed the new 3 LP re-issue of Led Zeppelin's debut album. It is amazing. Well worth the cost. I also snagged 180g vinyl re-issues of The Kinks' 'Give the People What They Want' and KISS' 'Psycho Circus.' I grabbed the 'Psycho Circus' specifically for the lenticular cover. It was so cool I made a video of it:

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