Thursday, May 08, 2014

Perfect Pussy 5.7.2014 at Sweat Shop

I caught Syracuse hardcore band, Perfect Pussy, last night at local punk rock hole in the wall, The Sweat Shop. It was my first time at the art gallery/venue, and my first time experiencing the band.

After three decent openers - including locals, No Thanks, and Canadians, Yamantaka // Sonic Titan - Perfect Pussy came on stage around 12:15 and proceeded to destroy everything in sight. From my vantage point - slightly to the left of stage - the lead singer, Meredith Graves, seemed to be giving it about 150%; but I'll be damned if I even heard a word of it over the cacophony of extreme noise coming from the rest of the band. The show was INSANE and over in about 15-20 minutes.

I'm still having trouble digesting exactly what I saw, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. I'd give the band another shot if they came through again, but I hope that they play in a place with a better sound system next time.

Here are some of my shitty iphone photos of the set:

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