Monday, October 11, 2010

Film School TONIGHT at Waiting Room

San Francisco shoegaze rock band Film School returns to Omaha tonight for a show at Waiting Room. The band is touring in support of its new album, Fission. Opening the show is The Depreciation Guild, and tickets are $10.

Here is a video for Film School's "Compare"


  1. Man, I'd love to see them. Is the new album out yet?

  2. Yes, the new one is out. It's very different. The band is trying out a new direction. Not super into it, but it's still pretty good.

    I ended up missing the show cuz I passed out on my couch watching Monday Night Football...

  3. Looks like they'e playing in a Seattle bar on Friday, gonna try to go.


Rock of Aging Ep. 3: Unsung 80s "Hair Metal" Greats (VIDEO)

This month's video is the third episode of the "Rock of Aging" series. In this series, my co-host Erika and I will be explorin...