Thursday, July 01, 2010

Colossal Stupidity: It's True is Breaking Up

Tim at Lazy-I reported it, and I confirmed it with 1% Productions. It's True is breaking up. The outstanding Omaha band is calling it quits after its performance on July 24 at the MAHA Music Festival. The band is performing on the main stage along with Spoon, The Faint, Superchunk, Old 97s, and Ben Kweller. It is an amazing opportunity for exposure, but sadly, all anyone will be exposed to is a band playing its last gig.

This is colossally stupid. It's True is the best Omaha band to come along since the mighty three of the late 90s/early 2000s: Bright Eyes, Cursive, and The Faint.

This, officially, sucks.

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