Monday, February 16, 2009

Watson Twins & Ben Kweller TONIGHT!!

Tonight marks the return of Ben Kweller to Omaha. That is pretty cool, but more interesting than that is the fact that The Watson Twins are opening for him. I'm actually much more excited to see the Twins than I am Kweller (especially now that he has "gone country").

Both perform tonight at The Slowdown (14th & Webster). Tickets are $15. See you there.


  1. Yum. Those twins are damn cute.

  2. They are cute, but the show was pretty boring, actually.


Rock of Aging Ep. 3: Unsung 80s "Hair Metal" Greats (VIDEO)

This month's video is the third episode of the "Rock of Aging" series. In this series, my co-host Erika and I will be explorin...