Monday, March 10, 2008

Times New Viking TONIGHT at Waiting Room

Columbus, Ohio's noisiest indie rockers, Times New Viking, return to Omaha tonight for a show at Waiting Room.

is an interesting band that is somewhat reminiscent of very early Pavement (stuff like Perfect Sound Forever or Demolition Plot J-7). The band's newest CD, Rip It Off, is so noisy that it sounds like your speakers are being shredded with a razor. You can tell that there are catchy pop songs underneath all that noise, but sometimes it can be a little too rough for my ears. I imagine that it will sound more "balanced" in a live setting, though I am not sure what I am basing that on.

At this point, I am about 50/50 as to whether or not I can make it to the show. I'd like to, but it's a Monday, and Mondays are tough for me.

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