Thursday, August 02, 2007

Silversun Pickups Re-Cap

All things considered I was pretty impressed with the Silversun Pickups show last night at Slowdown. I wasn't "blown away" by the show or anything, but I was impressed with the band's enthusiasm and musicianship. The band seemed to be having a genuinely good time, and the audience was among the most enthusiastic I have seen in Omaha (a town notorious for mediocre crowd response). I missed all but the last song from openers, Sea Wolf. I heard they were good, though.

I was fortunate to get my little VIP spot in the balcony which is the only place to see a show at Slowdown as far as I'm concerned. The floor is for suckers. As usual, I took my crappy cell phone picture of the event, but if you want to see some great photos from last night, check out Omahype's photo page of the event here.


  1. Thanks once again for your suggestion that I check out Silversun Pickups. I really like "Carnavas" a lot, and in fact I like it somewhat better than the new Smashing Pumpkins disc. I find that the two bands have a similar sound, but Silversun Pickups seem to have a little more energy on record. I would love to see either group in a concert!

    Have you checked out Ghostland Observatory? My daughter and I saw them at the Sasquatch Festival and we were blown away. If fortune smiles, we may go see them play in Seattle on October 13 (I have a potential conflict with that date, but if I can get it resolved, I'm there!) GO is like a cross between Devo, soul, funk, and techno. The vocalist is fabulous, and the instrumentalist is pretty danged good. They're only a two-member band, but that doesn't really matter... their stage show is pretty awesome. If they're ever in your neighborhood, check 'em out! Their CDs (they have two that I know of) are both good. Good songs to check out are "Silver City", "Midnight Voyage" and "Sad Sad City".

  2. I haven't heard of that band, but I will look into them.


Rock N Roll Book Club Episode 12 - "Confess" by Rob Halford // Judas Priest / booktube (VIDEO)

For Episode 12, we’re raising devil horns high in the air to salute the Metal God himself, Rob Halford . His memoir, “Confess,” takes us fro...