Friday, July 13, 2007

Are You Cool Enough For the Omaha Music Scene?

For the record, I am not a Saddle Creek hater. I like a good amount of the bands that the label has released: Bright Eyes, Cursive, The Faint, Two Gallants, Azure Ray, Ladyfinger (ne), and a few others. But sometimes I do think they take themselves a little too seriously, and think they are just a little bit too cool. The former Omaha band Drakes Hotel (who just relocated to Portland) had this hysterical quote on the current state of the Omaha "scene" -- "Three cheers to Saddle Creek Records for building an impenetrable wall around themselves. How indie are you really when you build a shrine to yourselves with the blessing of the city and only book your friends and bands from your ultra cool record collections? Good luck with that."

There is a certain amount of truth to that quote, but it could also be chalked up to envy. There is a lot of backbiting among indie music people.

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