Monday, March 19, 2007

What The... has posted this picture of Gene Simmons after his facelift. Is that how everyone looks after this procedure? Yikes! The women in my office say it usually looks much worse. Gene got the lift as part of his Gene Simmons Family Jewels show. The show's second season on A&E begins March 25. This might be a little too much reality for reality TV.


  1. even in that state he would still get more lovin' then I could...


  2. So whose butt do I hafta smooch around here to get a link to my blog?

    This is shamelss I know, but I gotta be me...

  3. you kissed the right one, i guess. i just updated my links.

  4. Since Gene wears all that make up on stage, I'm not sure what a facelift will really acomplish.

  5. I feel oddly complete with a link from the Dark Stuff. I may sleep well tonight.

  6. That's actually not bad. After my wife had sinus surgery she looked like she'd gone 15 rounds with Rocky Balboa.


Rock N Roll Book Club Episode 12 - "Confess" by Rob Halford // Judas Priest / booktube (VIDEO)

For Episode 12, we’re raising devil horns high in the air to salute the Metal God himself, Rob Halford . His memoir, “Confess,” takes us fro...