Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fiona Apple Delivers The Goods on EC's "I Want You"

I don't think I was prepared for how cool this would be. The video is from VH1's Decades Rock Live concert featuring Elvis Costello. I have had the show saved on my DVR for a while, but didn't watch it until this morning. The show stars Elvis, obviously, but in it he is joined by "current" artists Death Cab For Cutie, Fiona Apple, and Green Day. This clip is of Fiona Apple doing Costello's "I Want You" along with Elvis and his band. It is an inspired performance. The song is from my favorite Elvis album, Love and Chocolate, and it is one of the darkest, saddest songs I have ever heard. Most of the time when I listen to the album, I end up skipping the song because it can really take me to a bad place emotionally.

Fiona Apple has written a few songs that are nearly that dark, and she was an excellent choice to perform it. Elvis also performs Fiona's song "I Know" and the two perform her song "Tymps" and his song "Shabby Doll" (great choice, guys!!).

Watch and enjoy.


  1. It really is one of those songs that if you are in a certain mood, can really hit you in the gut. It can be a hard song to deal with. Fiona's choices of "Shabby Doll" and "I Want You" show that she is a serious Costello fan. Great choices.


Rock of Aging Ep. 3: Unsung 80s "Hair Metal" Greats (VIDEO)

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