Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Today Is the Day - 6.6.06

Today is the day we have all been waiting for: The National Day of Slayer!! The organizers of the holiday have set this as the agenda for the day:

* Listen to Slayer at full blast in your car.
* Listen to Slayer at full blast in your home.
* Listen to Slayer at full blast at your place of employment.
* Listen to Slayer at full blast in any public place you prefer.

DO NOT use headphones! The objective of this day is for everyone within earshot to understand that it is the National Day of Slayer. National holidays in America aren't just about celebrating; they're about forcing it upon non-participants.

For those who do not have any Slayer in their music collection (shame on you), I have provided a little something so you, too, can participate.

This song comes from the band's South of Heaven album. It seemed appropriate. Now go celebrate!

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