Sunday, April 16, 2006

If You Haven't Seen It Yet...See 'Walk the Line'

I skipped The Stills' show last night, and instead, ordered Walk the Line on pay-per-view. What a great movie! Joaquin Phoenix was a great Johnny Cash. His voice was pretty close, and he had many of Cash's mannerisms down pat. The film only focused on Johnny's life from his time as a young boy in Arkansas through his infamous concert at Folsom Prison in 1968. The story is more about the courtship of Johnny and June Carter (Reese Witherspoon), than it is about Johnny's legendary music career. I would have liked to see a little bit about Johnny's tough commercial times in the 1970s and 1980s, and his comeback in the 90s. But, the director didn't want a 4-hour movie, so they had to be selective. But, hell, Ray was three hours. Surely, Johnny Cash deserves as much of a movie as Ray Charles. Right? Still, I would strongly recommend the movie whether or not you're a Johnny Cash fan.


  1. Great movie. I especially liked the scene where Sam Phillips is giving Johnny and his band advice.

  2. I would have liked more scenes like that. I wanted more of a bio pic. But it was great, though.

  3. i havent seen this biopic yet. however, my general feelings toward this genre of movie are a bit mixed. see id prefer to see a documentary of the artist. in this case, i read cash's biography already, and really have no interest in seeing joaquin pheonix playing him. better to have a bunch of country music luminaries sitting around talking about his impact on music.

  4. Well, Joaquin Phoenix was really good as Cash. But, yeah, a really good documentary with lots of actual live footage would be better. But I don't think I need to see a bunch of old country fucks talking about the old days.


Rock of Aging Ep. 3: Unsung 80s "Hair Metal" Greats (VIDEO)

This month's video is the third episode of the "Rock of Aging" series. In this series, my co-host Erika and I will be explorin...