Wednesday, September 28, 2005

KISS Touring Without Any Original Members?

Launch Radio Networks is reporting that there may be a touring version of KISS in the future that will have no original members! WTF? I have been a lifelong KISS fan and have defended Gene Simmons many times when his "excesses" have made him look like such an asshole. The reunion of the original band in 1996 was phenomenal. I was at opening night in Detroit -- 8th row! But I have had to turn away from the band recently. I refused to go to the KISS/Aerosmith tour a few years ago once it was revealed that both Ace Frehley and Peter Criss had been replaced. Now the idea is being floated that KISS could exist without any original members -- No Gene. No Paul. No point. It's just a tribute band without any real members. I've seen KISS tribute bands - they were pretty good. But I saw them in a bar for like $10, not in an arena for $100. Attention Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley: PLEASE RETIRE...and take the KISS name with you. Let it end. You've made enough money. You will permanently damage your legacy by allowing a fake band to use your name. Nobody will defend this ridiculous idea. The fans will leave. Don't do it. You had a "Farewell Tour" -- now say farewell!

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