Monday, February 07, 2005

Motorhead Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary

Let's be honest. If you don't like Motorhead, you don't like rawk! They are the first (and in my mind only) band to successfully meld the sonic intensity of heavy metal with the speed and attitiude of punk rock. And they did it almost completely without any assistance from radio or MTV. Sadly, the biggest paycheck these guys have ever gotten was probably due to Metallica covering three of their songs! Well, if you are in the UK, you can hit Motorhead's 30th Anniversary Show this June 16 at Hammersmith Apollo. Previous Motorhead "anniversary" shows have featured numerous former memebers (i.e. "Fast" Eddie Clark) making on stage appearances to play along with the current line-up. No word on whether or not that will take place this time.

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